In the interpretation of the Statutes unless the context otherwise requires:-
1. | “Federation” or “AFF” means “Persekutuan Bolasepak Asean” (Asean Football Federation). |
2. | “Asean” means Association of South East Asian Nations. |
3. | “FIFA” means Federation International de Football Association. |
4. | “AFC” means Asian Football Confederation. |
5. | “Members” means a National Association or controlling body for football within a country, which is affiliated to AFF. |
6. | “Council” means the Council of the Federation constituted in accordance with these statutes. |
7. | “Congress” means the supreme governing body of the Federation. |
Article 1
1. | The title of the organisation shall be “Persekutuan Bolasepak Asean” (The Asean Football Federation). |
2. | Membership shall be open to all National Associations of countries which are members of Asean and are affiliated to FIFA. Only one Association shall be recognised in each country. |
3. | Members shall recognise one another as the Associations exclusively controlling football in their respective countries, to the exclusion of all others. |
4. | . The Secretariat of the Federation shall be at No. 33 Jalan SS3/76, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor DE. |
5. | The Annual Subscription shall be paid by the 31st March each year. Any member whose annual subscription is not paid by the above mentioned date shall be allowed to attend the Congress or Council Meetings but shall have no right to vote. |
Article 2
1. | To associate with the Asean Secretariat in furtherance of the common objectives of Asean through cultural and sporting activities. |
2. | To promote the game of Association football in every way within the Asean region. |
3. | To promote friendly relationship among the officials and players of members by encouraging football matches at all levels and in all other appropriate ways. |
4. | To initiate and organise competitions, trainings and conference related to football in the Asean region. |
5. | To raise funds to finance activities of the AFF. |
6. | To purchase, hold or otherwise acquire any real property or any interest in the same which shall be for the benefit of the Federation, or calculated to promote or assist in the promotion of any of the objects of the Federation. |
7. | To improve develop, manage, mortgage, lease, let or sell any real or personal property of the Federation and to turn the same to profit and advantage in any way that the Council may deem advisable. |
8. | To do such things and apply such funds as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects. |
9. | To make regulations and by laws as deemed necessary for the implementation of the objects of the Federation. |
10. | To form standing committees as deem necessary. |
Article 3
1. | Members shall only be admitted by Congress. The Council of the Federation is empowered to grant provisional membership which shall be submitted to the next congress for ratification. |
2. | An association applying for membership shall submit a written application together with its statutes and regulations, to the Federation. |
3. | To application for membership shall contain the following undertakings:- 3.1. To conform to the Statutes, regulations and standing order of AFF. 3.2. To observe the Laws of the Game as laid down by the International Football Association Board. |
4. | When the application has been accepted, the delegate of the Association admitted shall be allowed to take part at once in the work of the Congress. |
5. | Each Association shall inform the Federation of the name and address of the person responsible for conducting, on its behalf, official correspondence. |
6. | The Congress may grant the title of Honorary President or Honorary Vice- President or Honorary Member to the persons for meritorious services rendered to the Federation. They shall be nominated by the Council. An Honorary President, Honorary vice-President or an Honorary Member shall be permitted to attend the Congress with the right to join in discussions, but not to vote. |
Article 4
1. | The Congress shall be the Legislative Body. |
2. | The Council shall be the Executive Body. |
3. | The General Secretariat shall be the Administrative Body. |
4. | Standing Committees may be appointed by the Council to assist in its work as follows: |
4.1 | Emergency |
4.1.1 | The Emergency Committee shall consist of the President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Hon. Secretary and one more member appointed by the Council |
4.1.2 | The duties of the Emergency Committee shall consist of the following: (i) To decide on behalf of the Council on all matters deemed urgent. (ii) Decisions made by the Emergency Committee are deemed as final and shall be confirmed by the Council at its next meeting. |
4.2 | Finance |
4.2.1 | The Finance Committee shall consist of a Chairman who shall be a member of the Council and as many members deemed necessary |
4.2.2 | The Committee shall frame rules of financial procedures and shall regulate the income and expenditure of the Federation. It shall also advise the Council on the management of the Federation’s property. |
4.2.3 | The Committee shall prepare estimates of income and expenditure for specific projects approved by the Council. |
4.3 | Development |
4.3.1 | The Development Committee shall consist of a Chairman who shall be a member of the Council and four other members from different Member Countries. |
4.3.2 | The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:- (iii) To make a schedule of development activities according to the needs of the Member Countries. (iv) To outline the details of the activities. (v) To recommend to the Council the subsidy for each type of activity. (vi) To report from the Council from time to time on the implementation of the activities and their effectiveness. (vii) To undertake any other details given by the Council in the field of football development. |
4.4 | Competitions |
4.4.1 | The Competitions Committee shall consist of a Chairman who shall be a member of the Council and four other members from different Member Countries. |
4.4.2 | The duties of the Competitions Committee shall be as follows:- (i) To discuss and plan the different types of competitions for the Federation and make suitable recommendations to the Council. (ii) To make site visits whenever necessary for the selection of suitable venues for the competitions. (iii) To formulate the Rules and Regulations for each type of competition. (iv) To supervise the organization of the competitions. (v) To undertake any other duties given by the Council in the field of competitions |
4.5 | Media |
4.5.1 | The Media Committee shall consist of a Chairman who shall be a member of the Council and four other members, 2 of which shall be from the Host Country of the Tiger Cup and a member from AML and the AFF Media Officer. |
4.5.2 | The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:- (i) To deal with all matters relating to media relations. (ii) To facilitate dissemination of information and news for the whole Asean region. (iii) To handle all media relations during AFF Competitions. (iv) To supervise and enhance the AFF Website and deal with all matters relating to it. (v) To undertake any other duties given by the Council in the field of Media. |
Article 5
1. | The Congress, the supreme governing body of the AFF shall be held every two years. |
2. | The Council may at any time call an Extraordinary Congress of the Federation. At the written request of three or more members of the Federation,the Council must convene an Extraordinary Congress within three months of such request. |
3. | The place, date and agenda of any Extraordinary Congress must be notified to all members at least one month before it is due to take place. |
Article 6
1. | Each member shall have the right to one vote and be entitled to be represented by two delegates who may take part in the discussions. |
2. | The names of the delegates must be sent to the Hon. Secretary before the opening of the congress. The one having the right to vote must be indicated.Should this delegate leave the conference at any time during the congress, he shall be replaced by the representative next on the list of delegates drawn up by the National Association concerned. |
3. | Only the delegates present and entitled to vote shall decide any questions put to vote. |
4. | No delegate shall be allowed to represent more than one Member. |
5. | Voting by letter or proxy is not allowed. 6. Delegates to the Congress must be “bona fide” members of the affiliated Association they represent and be subjects of the country represented by the Association. |
Article 7
1. | The date and place of a Congress must be notified to the Member Associations by registered letter posted two months in advance. |
2. | The agenda, specifying the nature of the business to be transacted, the report of the Hon. Secretary, the balance sheet and the auditors’ report must be sent to the Associations by registered letter and posted one month before the date of the Congress. |
3. | All proposals and questions to be submitted to congress by Member Associations must be sent to the Secretariat of the AFF not later than 45 days before the month in which the aforesaid Congress is to be held. Only those items included in the agenda may be discussed. |
4. | In cases of urgency, congress may deal with matters submitted after the above closing date, provided it is agreed upon by three-fourths of the number of votes recorded. |
5. | The names of candidates for the presidency of the Federation may be submitted by any Member Association and must reach the Secretariat two months before the opening date of the Congress. A retiring President shall be eligible for re-election. The names of all candidates must be forwarded by the Secretariat to all the National Associations at least one month before the Congress. |
Article 8
1. | The agenda of the Ordinary Congress shall include the following items:- |
1.1 | An Address by the President. |
1.2 | Confirmation of the Minutes of the preceding Congress. |
1.3 | Confirmation of the report covering the period since the preceding Congress. |
1.4 | Confirmation of the balance sheet, receipts and expenditure account. |
1.5 | Admission and/or resignation of National Associations. |
1.6 | Consideration of proposals for alteration to the Statutes and Regulations and Standing Orders of the Congress. |
1.7 | Questions from Members and all other matters the Council wishes to propose. (Such questions shall be submitted in writing to the Council in accordance with Article 7 para 3 of the Statutes). |
1.8 | Election of the President, two Vice-Presidents, Hon. Secretary cum Hon. Treasurer. |
1.9 | Appointment of Auditors to examine and certify the accounts of the Federation. |
2. | In the case of an Extraordinary Congress the notice of the meeting shall include the Agenda. No items, other than those included on the Agenda may be discussed. |
3. | If half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the members present shall have the power to proceed with the business of the day but shall not have the power to alter the rules of the Federation or make decisions affecting the whole membership. |
Article 9
1. | Congress alone may alter the Statutes, Regulations and Standing Orders of the Congress of the Federation. |
2. | A proposed alteration in the Statutes may only be put to vote if it has been submitted by one Member, supported by another, or by the Council. |
3. | In order to be able to obtain a decision on alteration to the Statutes, a Congress must be attended by at least half of the affiliated Members, but a vote may be taken, even if at any time some of the delegates of these Members have left the conference hall. |
4. | To be adopted, the alteration must receive the approval of three-fourths of the votes given by the delegates present and entitled to vote. |
5. | Any alteration to the Regulations and By-Laws of the Congress may be proposed by one affiliated Association only or by the Executive Committee. |
6. | Alterations to the Statutes shall be forwarded to the Registrar of Societies within 60 days of being passed by the Congress. Such alterations shall take effect from the date of their approval by the Registrar of Societies. |
7. | The quorum for the Congress, Extra-ordinary Congress and Council Meetings shall be at least half of the affiliated members who are eligible to vote. |
Article 10
1. | Voting for the election shall be by secret ballot. |
2. | Other decisions, when voting is necessary, shall be taken by a show of hands. If this method of voting does not result in a definite majority in favour of a proposal, the vote shall be taken by calling the roll, countries being called in English alphabetical order. |
3. | For the election of the President of the Federation, two-thirds of the votes recorded in the first ballot are necessary. In a second ballot and any subsequent ballots which may be necessary, an absolute majority of the votes recorded is sufficient. |
4. | Other decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the votes recorded. With the exception of the following matters which require the approval of three-fourths of the votes recorded:- |
4.1 | Alterations or additions to the Statutes (See Art.9). |
4.2 | Additions to the Agenda of the Congress. |
4.3 | Expulsion of member(s) from the Federation. |
4.4 | Dissolution of the Federation. |